Boiled Egg Salad with Cucumber

Start by cutting the boiled eggs into smaller pieces.Cut the cucumbers into small cubes and set aside.Cut the radishes – cut off the tips then chop into small cubes.Finely chop some chives to taste.Now, in a bowl, add the mayonnaise, the yogurt, the salt and the black pepper, mix all the ingredients well until combined.Once you’ve done that, to assemble the salad, in a large bowl add the eggs, the cucumbers, the radishes, the chives, the dressing we made and mix very well until incorporated.Serve with some bread or as a salad.

Boiled Egg Salad with Cucumber
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  • 4 Boiled Eggs 
  • 2 Cucumbers 
  • 7 Radishes 
  • Chives to Taste 
  • 1 Tablespoon of Mayonnaise 
  • 2 Tablespoons of Plain Yogurt 
  • ½ Teaspoon of Salt 
  • 1 Generous Pinch of Black Pepper

Modo de Fazer

Start by cutting the boiled eggs into smaller pieces. 

Cut the cucumbers into small cubes and set aside. 

Cut the radishes – cut off the tips then chop into small cubes. 

Finely chop some chives to taste. 

Now, in a bowl, add the mayonnaise, the yogurt, the salt and the black pepper, mix all the ingredients well until combined. 

Once you’ve done that, to assemble the salad, in a large bowl add the eggs, the cucumbers, the radishes, the chives, the dressing we made and mix very well until incorporated. 

Serve with some bread or as a salad. 



Pam Orvin 7 months ago

I got to try this, really sounds so delicious 😋

Xenia 8 months ago


Beautiful 10 months ago

I love you ingredients they're so sweet


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