Carrot Cornmeal Cake

In a blender, add the sliced carrots, the oil, the sugar and blend everything very well until combined.Add the eggs, the milk, the vanilla essence and blend everything again until combined.Transfer the mixture to a large bowl, add the cornmeal and mix until combined.Add the baking powder, the salt and mix gently.Transfer the batter to a 20cm-diameter ring cake pan greased with butter and corn flour.Gently tap the pan against the countertop to settle the batter, take it to a preheated oven at 180° C (350° F) and bake for 40 minutes.Once baked, set aside to cool then unmold it.Serve.

Carrot Cornmeal Cake
Avalie esta receita


  • 2 Carrots
  • 100ml of Vegetable Oil
  • 1 Cup of Refined Sugar (240ml)
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 Cup of Milk
  • 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Essence
  • 1 Cup of Cornmeal
  • 1 Tablespoon of Baking Powder
  • 1 Pinch of Salt

Modo de Fazer

In a blender, add the sliced carrots, the oil, the sugar and blend everything very well until combined. 

Add the eggs, the milk, the vanilla essence and blend everything again until combined. 

Transfer the mixture to a large bowl, add the cornmeal and mix until combined. 

Add the baking powder, the salt and mix gently. 

Transfer the batter to a 20cm-diameter ring cake pan greased with butter and corn flour.

Gently tap the pan against the countertop to settle the batter, take it to a preheated oven at 180° C (350° F) and bake for 40 minutes. 

Once baked, set aside to cool then unmold it. 




Amponsah Nicholas Danso-Abiam 6 months ago

This recipe is nice 99%


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