In a bowl, add the cooked potatoes and mash them well until smooth.
Add the grated carrot and the parsley, mix well until incorporated.
Season this whole mixture with the salt, the black pepper and the garlic flakes, mix once again.
Add the corn starch and the wheat flour, mix until combined.
Add the olive oil and mix once again.
Now, with your hands wet hands or greased with vegetable oil, get one tablespoon of the mixture and round it into a ball.
Repeat this process with all the mixture.
Once you’ve done that, in a skillet over medium heat, add enough vegetable oil to cover its bottom and fry the balls in hot oil until golden brown.
Remove them from the hot oil and soak the excess fat on a plate lined with paper towels.
Serve with a dip of your choice.
PITTER 5 months ago
Potatoes are a starch not a veggie. I altered this and added more carrots, bell peppers, and fresh diced green beans and less potato.