Creamy Coffee

In a bowl, place the instant coffee and the brown sugar, mix lightly, add the water and whip well with a mixer until a creamy and firm mixture is formed. If you prefer, you can mix it with a whisk for 10 minutes.In a glass, put the very cold milk and whip for a few minutes until a foam is formed.To make the first coffee option, put milk in a glass, add some ice cubes and gently place the creamy coffee on top, with a spoon.To make the second coffee option, pour milk in a glass, add a very full tablespoon of the creamy coffee, mix well until fully combined, and cover it with the milk foam.Serve.

Creamy Coffee
Avalie esta receita


  • 25g of Instant Coffee
  • 165g of Brown Sugar
  • ½ Cup of Very Hot Water (120ml)
  • Milk to Taste
  • 3 or 4 Ice Cubes to Taste

Modo de Fazer

In a bowl, place the instant coffee and the brown sugar, mix lightly, add the water and whip well with a mixer until a creamy and firm mixture is formed. If you prefer, you can mix it with a whisk for 10 minutes.

In a glass, put the very cold milk and whip for a few minutes until a foam is formed. 

To make the first coffee option, put milk in a glass, add some ice cubes and gently place the creamy coffee on top, with a spoon. 

To make the second coffee option, pour milk in a glass, add a very full tablespoon of the creamy coffee, mix well until fully combined, and cover it with the milk foam. 




Njoki 14 days ago


Rebecca Coffield 2 months ago

Love coffee

Deidre-ann 3 months ago

The recipe is so amazing I love it

Hassan 7 months ago

The recipe is good I like it.

Hassan 7 months ago

The recipe is good I like it.

Mukhama Tonny 9 months ago

wawoo it's so nice

Angelika 10 months ago

I love creamy coffee's and I like the cream on the coffee

mariah 3 years ago

I like the idea


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