Start by cutting the strawberries into dices and transfer them to a skillet, add the sugar, the water and the juice of half a lemon, mix well over medium heat until they all cook through. Cook until the strawberries dissolve and a sauce is formed.
Transfer this sauce to a bowl and set aside.
In another bowl, place 1 liter of milk, the condensed milk, the table cream, the milk powder and the neutral stabilizer, mix well until combined.
Get a plastic mold bag for ice pops and fill it with some strawberry sauce - about 3-4 teaspoons.
After that, put the mold bag on the table and press down on it to spread the sauce all the way to half of the bag.
Then get a funnel, slip it into the mold bag and fill it with the white mixture we’ve just made.
Tie a knot at the edge of the plastic bag and set aside.
Repeat this process until you’ve used up all the sauce and the mixture.
Take all these bags to the freezer and leave for at least 6 hours.
Pierry a year ago
very good