Skillet Chicken with Sauce

Start by putting the chicken breasts in a skillet over medium heat with the melted butter and the whole garlic cloves.They have been seasoned with salt and black pepper; also, make superficial slits on each chicken breast and let them fry until golden brown.Remove the chicken breasts from the skillet and mash the garlic cloves, add the grated onion and stir until golden brown.Next, add the chicken broth, the salt, the table cream, the onion powder and the black pepper, stir until incorporated and let it all cook until the mixture begins to boil. When that happens, add the juice of half a lime, parsley to taste and stir once again.Add the chicken breasts, drizzle them with the sauce and let it all cook for 5 minutes.Serve.

Skillet Chicken with Sauce
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  • 3 Chicken Breasts
  • 3 Tablespoons of Unsalted Butter
  • 3 Garlic Cloves
  • 1 Grated Onion
  • 1 Cup of Chicken Broth (240ml Cup)
  • 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • 200g of Table Cream
  • 1 Teaspoon of Onion Powder
  • Black Pepper to Taste
  • Juice of ½ Lime
  • Parsley to Taste

Modo de Fazer

Start by putting the chicken breasts in a skillet over medium heat with the melted butter and the whole garlic cloves. 

They have been seasoned with salt and black pepper; also, make superficial slits on each chicken breast and let them fry until golden brown. 

Remove the chicken breasts from the skillet and mash the garlic cloves, add the grated onion and stir until golden brown.

Next, add the chicken broth, the salt, the table cream, the onion powder and the black pepper, stir until incorporated and let it all cook until the mixture begins to boil. When that happens, add the juice of half a lime, parsley to taste and stir once again. 

Add the chicken breasts, drizzle them with the sauce and let it all cook for 5 minutes.




Dan 9 months ago



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