Orange Marmalade

Start by grating the oranges to the point that the thick part of the peel is removed.Then, set the oranges aside.Transfer the zest to a tray lined with parchment paper and let it dry for about 4 hours.Now, take the oranges that we grated, transfer them to a large saucepan filled with boiling water and let them cook for 3 minutes.After this time has passed, drain all the water and transfer everything to a large bowl.Add some cold water and let them soak for 24 hours.Make sure to change this water 5 to 6 times during this period.After this time has passed, cut all the oranges in half, remove the core, cut them into thin strips then into smaller pieces.Transfer half of them to a large saucepan and add 250 grams of granulated sugar.Add the other half of the oranges and another 250 grams of granulated sugar.Cover the pan and let everything soak for 6 hours.After this time has passed, turn on the heat to medium and let it all cook until the oranges have reduced.This step will take an average of 40 minutes, and make sure to mix the ingredients a few times during this process.Add the juice of one lemon and cook for another 5 minutes.Remove from the heat and let it cool to room temperature.Next, transfer all the marmalade to mason jars with lids.Store in the fridge and consume within 30 days.Serve cold with orange zest.

Orange Marmalade
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  • 5 Oranges
  • 500g of Granulated Sugar
  • Juice of 1 Lemon

Modo de Fazer

Start by grating the oranges to the point that the thick part of the peel is removed.

Then, set the oranges aside. 

Transfer the zest to a tray lined with parchment paper and let it dry for about 4 hours.

Now, take the oranges that we grated, transfer them to a large saucepan filled with boiling water and let them cook for 3 minutes.

After this time has passed, drain all the water and transfer everything to a large bowl.

Add some cold water and let them soak for 24 hours.

Make sure to change this water 5 to 6 times during this period.

After this time has passed, cut all the oranges in half, remove the core, cut them into thin strips then into smaller pieces.

Transfer half of them to a large saucepan and add 250 grams of granulated sugar.

Add the other half of the oranges and another 250 grams of granulated sugar. 

Cover the pan and let everything soak for 6 hours.

After this time has passed, turn on the heat to medium and let it all cook until the oranges have reduced.

This step will take an average of 40 minutes, and make sure to mix the ingredients a few times during this process.

Add the juice of one lemon and cook for another 5 minutes.

Remove from the heat and let it cool to room temperature.

Next, transfer all the marmalade to mason jars with lids. 

Store in the fridge and consume within 30 days.

Serve cold with orange zest.



Judy Julie 4 months ago

I'll try this out

Sirra 4 months ago



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