In a medium bowl, add the eggs and set aside.
Add the packet of chicken-flavored seasoning in the warm water and mix everything until dissolved.
Next, add this broth to the bowl with the eggs and whisk everything very well.
The ideal is to whisk for at least 5 minutes.
If you're using unsalted chicken broth, feel free to add salt to taste.
Now, roll a large sheet of aluminum foil into a cylindrical shape.
Bring the ends together to form a ring and press tightly.
In a large skillet over medium to low heat, add the water.
The ideal is to pour at least about one inch of water in the skillet.
When this water starts to boil, add the aluminum ring we prepared.
On top of it, add a medium bowl that can go on the stove.
Next, strain the egg mixture we just made, pouring it into this bowl and cover the bowl with a plate.
Cover the skillet with a lid and let it all cook for 15 minutes.
Season with a drizzle of olive oil and soy sauce to taste.