Bacon Puff Pastry Twists

Start by making the filling of the puff pastry; to do this, add the grated mozzarella cheese and spread it well.Mozzarella is optional, if you prefer, you can use any other type of cheese.Next, add the finely chopped sprig of parsley on top of everything.If you prefer, you can use oregano or cilantro instead of parsley.Cover everything with another 200g sheet of puff pastry and press firmly to close.Now, cut the pastry into strips about 2 fingers wide.On top of each of these strips, add 1 slice of smoked bacon and using a barbecue stick, press these strips firmly.Next, take each strip and twist it into a spiral.Transfer them all to a large baking tray.Take to a preheated oven at 200° C (400° F) and bake for 20 minutes.Serve with a dip of your choice.

Bacon Puff Pastry Twists
Avalie esta receita


  • 200g of Puff Pastry
  • 150g of Grated Mozzarella Cheese
  • 1 Sprig of Parsley
  • +200g of Puff Pastry
  • 150g of Bacon Strips

Modo de Fazer

Start by making the filling of the puff pastry; to do this, add the grated mozzarella cheese and spread it well. 

Mozzarella is optional, if you prefer, you can use any other type of cheese. 

Next, add the finely chopped sprig of parsley on top of everything. 

If you prefer, you can use oregano or cilantro instead of parsley. 

Cover everything with another 200g sheet of puff pastry and press firmly to close.

Now, cut the pastry into strips about 2 fingers wide.

On top of each of these strips, add 1 slice of smoked bacon and using a barbecue stick, press these strips firmly. 

Next, take each strip and twist it into a spiral. 

Transfer them all to a large baking tray. 

Take to a preheated oven at 200° C (400° F) and bake for 20 minutes.

Serve with a dip of your choice. 



Sandy a month ago

Love your recipes. Just downloaded the app thanks

Terry 3 months ago

I spiced this up a bit. I used cilantro, diced fresh Jalapeños and sprinkled taco seasoning on top and baked. It was absolute heaven. Thanks for the starter recipe. So much you can do with this.


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