Sugar Free Banana Pudding

Peel and mash the bananas in a bowl, add the eggs and mix well.Make a syrup for the pudding, it can be made with powdered sweetener or regular sugar, spread it all over the mold and set aside.Add water to the pressure cooker for a double boiler. Place the mold inside the pressure cooker then carefully pour the pudding mixture into the mold. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and then cover the pressure cooker.Turn on the heat and cook for 15 minutes after it reaches pressures.Serve.

Sugar Free Banana Pudding
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  • 4 Cavendish Bananas
  • 400ml of Milk
  • 4 Eggs

Modo de Fazer

Peel and mash the bananas in a bowl, add the eggs and mix well.

Make a syrup for the pudding, it can be made with powdered sweetener or regular sugar, spread it all over the mold and set aside.

Add water to the pressure cooker for a double boiler. Place the mold inside the pressure cooker then carefully pour the pudding mixture into the mold. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and then cover the pressure cooker.

Turn on the heat and cook for 15 minutes after it reaches pressures.




Kimberly Hartman a month ago

Video isn't working

That Recipe 12 days ago


Suzanne Mckenzie 9 months ago

The video is not playing

That Recipe 9 months ago



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