Pizza Rolls

Start by rolling out the puff pastry and spreading the tomato sauce all over it.Cover the sauce with sliced bacon, the chives finely chopped to taste and the grated parmesan cheese, season with the salt, the black pepper and the sweet paprika.Now, roll up the pastry into a log.Cut the pastry into round slices and set aside.Grease a round ovenproof dish with plenty of unsalted margarine, add the stuffed rolls.Brush 1 whole beaten egg on top of each roll.Take to a preheated oven at 180°C (356°F) and bake for 45 minutes.Serve.

Pizza Rolls
Avalie esta receita


  • 300g of Puff Pastry 
  • 100g of Tomato Sauce 
  • 250g of Sliced Bacon 
  • Chives to Taste 
  • 50g of Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • 1 Pinch of Salt 
  • Black Pepper to Taste 
  • 1 Pinch of Sweet Paprika 
  • 1 Egg

Modo de Fazer

Start by rolling out the puff pastry and spreading the tomato sauce all over it. 

Cover the sauce with sliced bacon, the chives finely chopped to taste and the grated parmesan cheese, season with the salt, the black pepper and the sweet paprika. 

Now, roll up the pastry into a log. 

Cut the pastry into round slices and set aside. 

Grease a round ovenproof dish with plenty of unsalted margarine, add the stuffed rolls. 

Brush 1 whole beaten egg on top of each roll. 

Take to a preheated oven at 180°C (356°F) and bake for 45 minutes. 




Ellen Bias 2 months ago

Send me this delicious recipe


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