Easy and Delicious Banana Dessert

Into a saucepan, add the condensed milk and the corn starch, mix well until combined, add the vanilla essence and the table cream, mix again. Add the milk and butter and mix well over medium heat until it thickens.Transfer to a bowl, cover with a plastic bag touching the cream and let it cool down until it reaches room temperature.Into a skillet, add the sugar and stir until it melts, gradually add all the water, add the chopped banana, and mix from time to time until the water dries up.Into a glass dish, add the first layer of cream, the cornstarch biscuits, another layer of cream, and repeat this sequence until a final layer of cream is left in the bowl. Set aside. Add the bananas and top them with the final layer of cream.Take to the fridge for 2 to 3 hours.To a bowl over a double boiler on very low heat, add the egg whites and the sugar, and mix until sugar fully dissolves. Transfer to an electric mixer and whip until firm. Add vanilla essence, whip again.Pour it all over the dessert, in the glass dish. Brown the top if you wish and put it back in the fridge.Serve.

Easy and Delicious Banana Dessert
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  • ½ Cup of Sugar
  • ½ Cup of Water
  • 6 Bananas Cut into Round Slices
  • 200g of Corn Starch Biscuits


  • 1 Pack of Condensed Milk
  • 3 Tablespoons of Corn Starch
  • ½ Pack of Table Cream
  • 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Essence
  • 600ml of Whole Milk
  • 1 Tablespoon of Unsalted Butter

Meringue Frosting

  • 3 Egg Whites
  • 6 Tablespoons of Sugar
  • ½ Teaspoon of Vanilla Essence

Modo de Fazer

Into a saucepan, add the condensed milk and the corn starch, mix well until combined, add the vanilla essence and the table cream, mix again. Add the milk and butter and mix well over medium heat until it thickens.

Transfer to a bowl, cover with a plastic bag touching the cream and let it cool down until it reaches room temperature. 

Into a skillet, add the sugar and stir until it melts, gradually add all the water, add the chopped banana, and mix from time to time until the water dries up.

Into a glass dish, add the first layer of cream, the cornstarch biscuits, another layer of cream, and repeat this sequence until a final layer of cream is left in the bowl. Set aside. Add the bananas and top them with the final layer of cream. 

Take to the fridge for 2 to 3 hours.

To a bowl over a double boiler on very low heat, add the egg whites and the sugar, and mix until sugar fully dissolves. Transfer to an electric mixer and whip until firm. Add vanilla essence, whip again.

Pour it all over the dessert, in the glass dish. Brown the top if you wish and put it back in the fridge. 





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