Oreo Dessert

Start by removing the filling from all the Oreo cookies and transfer all the cookies to a Ziplock bag, crush all the cookies until finely crumbled.Add the melted butter, mix well and set aside.Into a bowl, add all the filling we have removed from the cookies and the heavy cream, whip well until whipped-cream consistency is reached.Now into a small glass dish, make a layer with the cookie crumbs, add half of them, spread evenly then tightly compress until compact. Add all the whipped cream we made with the filling and spread it out evenly.Add the rest of the cookie crumbs and spread well.Take it to the fridge and let it chill for at least 4 hours.Serve.

Oreo Dessert
Avalie esta receita


  • 180g of Oreo Cookies
  • 2 Tablespoons of Melted Butter
  • 1 Cup of Heavy Cream (240ml Cup)

Modo de Fazer

Start by removing the filling from all the Oreo cookies and transfer all the cookies to a Ziplock bag, crush all the cookies until finely crumbled. 

Add the melted butter, mix well and set aside. 

Into a bowl, add all the filling we have removed from the cookies and the heavy cream, whip well until whipped-cream consistency is reached. 

Now into a small glass dish, make a layer with the cookie crumbs, add half of them, spread evenly then tightly compress until compact.  

Add all the whipped cream we made with the filling and spread it out evenly. 

Add the rest of the cookie crumbs and spread well. 

Take it to the fridge and let it chill for at least 4 hours. 




Spincel Greer 3 months ago

Very easy to make and very delicious thank you


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