Deep-Fried Potato Bites with Ham

In a bowl, add the pre-cooked potatoes cut into cubes.And with the help of a potato masher, mash everything very well until the potatoes are smooth and creamy.Season with the salt, a pinch of black pepper and the oregano.Add the egg, the ham chopped into squares, parsley to taste, the cornstarch, the olive oil and mix until combined.Transfer everything to a pastry bag then make a cut at the tip of this pastry bag, but make sure the hole is not too wide nor too narrow.In a large skillet over medium to low heat, add enough vegetable oil to cover the bottom and let it heat up.Add the potato dough we prepared by squeezing the bag and cutting it into smaller pieces, using scissors.Fry these pieces of dough, flipping them over a few times until golden brown.Serve with a dip of your choice.

Deep-Fried Potato Bites with Ham
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  • 3 Potatoes
  • 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • 1 Pinch of Black Pepper
  • 1 Teaspoon of Oregano
  • 1 Egg
  • 100g of Ham
  • Parsley to Taste
  • 3 Tablespoons of Cornstarch
  • 3 Tablespoons of Olive Oil
  • Vegetable Oil

Modo de Fazer

In a bowl, add the pre-cooked potatoes cut into cubes. 

And with the help of a potato masher, mash everything very well until the potatoes are smooth and creamy. 

Season with the salt, a pinch of black pepper and the oregano. 

Add the egg, the ham chopped into squares, parsley to taste, the cornstarch, the olive oil and mix until combined. 

Transfer everything to a pastry bag then make a cut at the tip of this pastry bag, but make sure the hole is not too wide nor too narrow.

In a large skillet over medium to low heat, add enough vegetable oil to cover the bottom and let it heat up. 

Add the potato dough we prepared by squeezing the bag and cutting it into smaller pieces, using scissors. 

Fry these pieces of dough, flipping them over a few times until golden brown.

Serve with a dip of your choice. 



Babsie 6 months ago


Maik 6 months ago

Good stuff!

Cilla 7 months ago

No complaints, thank you for all your recipes, hard work from your side, but most appreciated by me.

Sadiq 7 months ago

Wow !!!!! I never imagined this will turn tk be so good 10/10 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Evelyn 7 months ago

Love what you do!


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