Banana Cream

Start by peeling the bananas and cutting them into thin round slices.After that, in a saucepan, add the unsalted butter and stir until fully melted.Add the bananas and the juice of half lime, stir for 2 minutes.After this indicated time, with a hand blender, blend well until combined.Add some of the milk and mix well.Add the cornstarch and the egg yolks, mix again.Add the rest of the milk and keep mixing.Add the vanilla essence and mix with the hand blender once again.Turn on the heat again at low power and stir until slightly thickened.Transfer this mixture to a bowl, cover it with a plastic bag or plastic wrap touching the mixture.Take to the fridge and let it chill for at least 2 hours.After this indicated time, transfer all the cream to a large bowl, and using an electric mixer, mix until softened.In another bowl, add the heavy cream and mix well until it reaches whipped cream consistency.Gradually add the banana cream and keep mixing until combined.Serve and enjoy.

Banana Cream
Avalie esta receita


  • 4 Large, Ripe Bananas 
  • 1 Tablespoon of Unsalted Butter
  • ½ Lime 
  • 300ml of Milk 
  • 3 Tablespoons of Cornstarch 
  • 3 Egg Yolks 
  • 1 Tablespoon of Vanilla Essence 
  • 500ml of Heavy Cream 

Modo de Fazer

Start by peeling the bananas and cutting them into thin round slices. 

After that, in a saucepan, add the unsalted butter and stir until fully melted. 

Add the bananas and the juice of half lime, stir for 2 minutes. 

After this indicated time, with a hand blender, blend well until combined. 

Add some of the milk and mix well. 

Add the cornstarch and the egg yolks, mix again. 

Add the rest of the milk and keep mixing. 

Add the vanilla essence and mix with the hand blender once again. 

Turn on the heat again at low power and stir until slightly thickened.

Transfer this mixture to a bowl, cover it with a plastic bag or plastic wrap touching the mixture.

Take to the fridge and let it chill for at least 2 hours.

After this indicated time, transfer all the cream to a large bowl, and using an electric mixer, mix until softened.

In another bowl, add the heavy cream and mix well until it reaches whipped cream consistency.

Gradually add the banana cream and keep mixing until combined. 

Serve and enjoy.




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