Kale and Lemon Juice

On a cutting board, cut off the stalks from two kale leaves and chop the leaves into smaller pieces.Then peel the lemons and chop them into smaller pieces. Cut a bit of ginger, but if you don't like it, you don’t have to add it.Add the water and blend it all together into a blender until ingredients fully combine. After that, you may drink it.

Kale and Lemon Juice
Avalie esta receita


  • 2 Kale Leaves
  • 2 Lemons
  • Ginger to Taste
  • 500ml of Cold Water

Modo de Fazer

On a cutting board, cut off the stalks from two kale leaves and chop the leaves into smaller pieces.

Then peel the lemons and chop them into smaller pieces. Cut a bit of ginger, but if you don't like it, you don’t have to add it. 

Add the water and blend it all together into a blender until ingredients fully combine. After that, you may drink it. 



Chris a month ago

Why will the video not work?

That Recipe a month ago


Kristina a year ago

Is there a nutrition chart on this juice?

That Recipe a year ago


Don real gh 2 years ago

and what does it do to the body or the health benefits

That Recipe 2 years ago

Helps in weight loss


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