Cauliflower with Eggs

Remove the cauliflower stem and cut the florets into slices.Cut the onion into small dices.Finely chop the parsley and set aside.Into a skillet, add a drizzle of olive oil, add the chopped onion and stir until slightly golden brown.Add the minced garlic cloves and stir.Add the grated ginger, the salt, the black pepper and the sweet paprika, stir well.Add the tomato paste and the water, stir and let it all cook for 5 minutes.After that, add the slices of cauliflower, cover the skillet and let it all cook for 20 minutes.Now, add the eggs and top each of them with a pinch of salt and black pepper.Sprinkle parsley to taste all over it.Cover the skillet and let it all cook for another 5 minutes.Serve.

Cauliflower with Eggs
Avalie esta receita


  • 1 Cauliflower
  • 1 Onion
  • 1 Bunch of Parsley
  • 2 Minced Garlic Cloves
  • 1 Teaspoon of Grated Ginger
  • 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • 1 Generous Pinch of Black Pepper
  • 1 Pinch of Sweet Paprika
  • 3 Tablespoons of Tomato Paste
  • 150ml of Water
  • 5 Eggs

Modo de Fazer

Remove the cauliflower stem and cut the florets into slices. 

Cut the onion into small dices. 

Finely chop the parsley and set aside. 

Into a skillet, add a drizzle of olive oil, add the chopped onion and stir until slightly golden brown. 

Add the minced garlic cloves and stir. 

Add the grated ginger, the salt, the black pepper and the sweet paprika, stir well. 

Add the tomato paste and the water, stir and let it all cook for 5 minutes. 

After that, add the slices of cauliflower, cover the skillet and let it all cook for 20 minutes. 

Now, add the eggs and top each of them with a pinch of salt and black pepper. 

Sprinkle parsley to taste all over it. 

Cover the skillet and let it all cook for another 5 minutes. 





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