Creamy Hot Chocolate

Into a bowl, add the chopped chocolate and microwave it in 30-second intervals until melted, or make a double boiler.Add the table cream and mix well until it combines and a ganache is formed.Pour this mixture into a pan and add the milk, mix until combined with the heat still off.Turn on the heat at medium temperature and mix nonstop. After gaining some consistency, turn off the heat and stir for another 2 minutes.The ideal consistency is a creamy and consistent mixture. Serve.

Creamy Hot Chocolate
Avalie esta receita


  • 200g of Semisweet Chocolate
  • 1 Pack of Table Cream
  • 400ml of Milk

Modo de Fazer

Into a bowl, add the chopped chocolate and microwave it in 30-second intervals until melted, or make a double boiler. 

Add the table cream and mix well until it combines and a ganache is formed.

Pour this mixture into a pan and add the milk, mix until combined with the heat still off.

Turn on the heat at medium temperature and mix nonstop. After gaining some consistency, turn off the heat and stir for another 2 minutes.

The ideal consistency is a creamy and consistent mixture. Serve. 



Boetie 8 months ago

It sounds good

William 9 months ago

Sounds so good


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