Banana Dessert with Strawberries

Start by chopping the strawberries into small dices and transfer them to a skillet, add the sugar and turn on the heat, let the sugar dissolve and keep stirring until it turns into a syrup.After that, peel the bananas – first, make a slit around them, near the stalk, then make alengthwise slit from the top to the other slit and remove this part of the skin.Repeat this process with all the bananas.Now into a skillet, add the oil until hot enough. Fry the bananas for 3 minutes. Flip them and let them fry for another 3 minutes.Now to arrange the dessert, on a nice plate put 2 fried bananas, some of the syrup between the bananas and finish it off with some ice cream. Serve.

Banana Dessert with Strawberries
Avalie esta receita


  • 8 Large Strawberries
  • 8 Tablespoons of Sugar
  • 4 Ripe Bananas
  • 1 Liter of Oil
  • Ice Cream to Taste

Modo de Fazer

Start by chopping the strawberries into small dices and transfer them to a skillet, add the sugar and turn on the heat, let the sugar dissolve and keep stirring until it turns into a syrup. 

After that, peel the bananas – first, make a slit around them, near the stalk, then make a lengthwise slit from the top to the other slit and remove this part of the skin. 

Repeat this process with all the bananas.

Now into a skillet, add the oil until hot enough. Fry the bananas for 3 minutes. Flip them and let them fry for another 3 minutes. 

Now to arrange the dessert, on a nice plate put 2 fried bananas, some of the syrup between the bananas and finish it off with some ice cream. Serve. 




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