Belgian White Cream

In a pan, place the condensed milk and the corn starch and mix until combined.Add the yolks, the milk and turn on the heat at medium temperature, stir non-stop until a cream is formed.Transfer to a bowl and cover it with a plastic bag touching the cream, let it cool down.Whip the whipped cream and add it to the cream, mix well.

Belgian White Cream
Avalie esta receita


  • 1 Can of Condensed Milk
  • 500 ml of Milk
  • 3 Tablespoons of Corn Starch
  • 2 Egg Yolks
  • 200ml of Whipped Cream

Modo de Fazer

In a pan, place the condensed milk and the corn starch and mix until combined. 

Add the yolks, the milk and turn on the heat at medium temperature, stir non-stop until a cream is formed. 

Transfer to a bowl and cover it with a plastic bag touching the cream, let it cool down.

Whip the whipped cream and add it to the cream, mix well. 




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