Banana Medallions

In a bowl place the milk, the egg, the sugar, the salt, the margarine and the dry yeast powder, mix well.Then gradually add the wheat flour, mixing well until combined. When you can no longer mix with the spatula, use your hands to get to the right dough consistency. The right consistency is when it no longer sticks to your hands and is still fluffy.Sprinkle some flour on the table and stretch the dough out with a rolling pin until it is about 3mm thick.Cut this dough into about 3cm-wide strips, get a peeled banana and roll this dough around the banana, sticking all dough pieces together.Repeat this process until you've used up all the dough.Cut the bananas into 1-finger thick round slices.Fry in oil, but the oil doesn't have to be super hot (in a temperature that the banana can also be fried, not only the dough).Into a bowl, add the sugar and the cinnamon, mix and coat the banana medallions in it.Serve.

Banana Medallions
Avalie esta receita


  • 150ml of Milk
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 Tablespoons of Sugar
  • ½ Tablespoon of Salt
  • 1 Tablespoon of Margarine or Butter
  • 1 Envelope of Dry Yeast Powder (10g)
  • 350g of Wheat Flour
  • 7 to 8 Bananas
  • 1 Cup of Sugar
  • ½ Teaspoon of Cinnamon Powder

Modo de Fazer

In a bowl place the milk, the egg, the sugar, the salt, the margarine and the dry yeast powder, mix well.

Then gradually add the wheat flour, mixing well until combined. When you can no longer mix with the spatula, use your hands to get to the right dough consistency. The right consistency is when it no longer sticks to your hands and is still fluffy.

Sprinkle some flour on the table and stretch the dough out with a rolling pin until it is about 3mm thick.

Cut this dough into about 3cm-wide strips, get a peeled banana and roll this dough around the banana, sticking all dough pieces together. 

Repeat this process until you've used up all the dough. 

Cut the bananas into 1-finger thick round slices. 

Fry in oil, but the oil doesn't have to be super hot (in a temperature that the banana can also be fried, not only the dough).

Into a bowl, add the sugar and the cinnamon, mix and coat the banana medallions in it.





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