Apple Roses

Start by cutting the apples in half, remove the core and cut them into thin strips.In a large skillet over medium to low heat, add the water.Add the sugar, the cinnamon powder and mix until dissolved.Then, add the apples strips, mix again and let them cook for 15 minutes.Now, cut the puff pastry at room temperature into thick strips.Once the apples have cooked through, remove them from the skillet with a slotted spoon and drain all the water.Then, place the apple slices on one of the pastry strips we cut earlier.Sprinkle the center of this pastry strip with sugar to taste.Fold the pastry over the apples and then roll it up shaping it into a rose bud.Repeat this process with all the pastry and the apples.Transfer everything to a baking tray and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon powder to taste on top of everything.Take it to a preheated oven at 180° C (350° F) and bake for 35 minutes.Serve.

Apple Roses
Avalie esta receita


  • 2 Apples
  • 700ml of Water
  • 40g of Granulated Sugar
  • 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon Powder
  • 600g of Puff Pastry
  • Sugar to Taste
  • Cinnamon Powder to Taste

Modo de Fazer

Start by cutting the apples in half, remove the core and cut them into thin strips. 

In a large skillet over medium to low heat, add the water. 

Add the sugar, the cinnamon powder and mix until dissolved. 

Then, add the apples strips, mix again and let them cook for 15 minutes.

Now, cut the puff pastry at room temperature into thick strips.

Once the apples have cooked through, remove them from the skillet with a slotted spoon and drain all the water. 

Then, place the apple slices on one of the pastry strips we cut earlier.

Sprinkle the center of this pastry strip with sugar to taste.

Fold the pastry over the apples and then roll it up shaping it into a rose bud. 

Repeat this process with all the pastry and the apples.

Transfer everything to a baking tray and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon powder to taste on top of everything.

Take it to a preheated oven at 180° C (350° F) and bake for 35 minutes. 




Debra McBee 3 months ago

I love all of the recipes you put on TIKTOK


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