Baked Chicken Drumsticks with Lemon and Rice

Start by cutting the tip off the lemons, then cut a strip that's about one finger thick.Next, cut around the core of the lemon, scoop it out with a spoon, also remove the pulp from the strip we cut and set aside.Now, in a large bowl add the chicken drumsticks.Season them with the salt, a pinch of black pepper, the sweet paprika, a drizzle of olive oil and mix.Then, place these drumsticks inside the lemons we hollowed out, close them with the lemon strips and set aside.In a large pan, add the white rice and enough water to cover everything,Turn on the heat, set it to medium-low and let it cook until the water dries completely.Next, add the chicken seasoning in the water, the salt, a pinch of black pepper, the sweet paprika and mix.In a large baking dish, add all the rice we prepared.Add the yellow pepper cut into smaller pieces, the bacon cut into strips, the mushrooms cut into smaller pieces, all the broth we prepared, the cooking cream and mix.Then, add the lemons stuffed with the chicken drumsticks we prepared.Take it to a preheated oven at 180° C (350° F) and bake for 40 minutes.Serve.

Baked Chicken Drumsticks with Lemon and Rice
Avalie esta receita


  • 6 Lemons
  • 6 Chicken Drumsticks
  • 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • 1 Pinch of Black Pepper
  • 1 Teaspoon of Sweet Paprika
  • Olive Oil


  • 2 Cups of White Rice
  • 5g of Chicken Seasoning
  • 200ml of Water
  • 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • 1 Pinch of Black Pepper
  • 1 Teaspoon of Sweet Paprika
  • 1 Yellow Bell Pepper
  • 150g of Bacon
  • 150g of Mushrooms
  • 200g of Cooking Cream

Modo de Fazer

Start by cutting the tip off the lemons, then cut a strip that's about one finger thick. 

Next, cut around the core of the lemon, scoop it out with a spoon, also remove the pulp from the strip we cut and set aside.

Now, in a large bowl add the chicken drumsticks. 

Season them with the salt, a pinch of black pepper, the sweet paprika, a drizzle of olive oil and mix. 

Then, place these drumsticks inside the lemons we hollowed out, close them with the lemon strips and set aside. 

In a large pan, add the white rice and enough water to cover everything, 

Turn on the heat, set it to medium-low and let it cook until the water dries completely.

Next, add the chicken seasoning in the water, the salt, a pinch of black pepper, the sweet paprika and mix. 

In a large baking dish, add all the rice we prepared. 

Add the yellow pepper cut into smaller pieces, the bacon cut into strips, the mushrooms cut into smaller pieces, all the broth we prepared, the cooking cream and mix. 

Then, add the lemons stuffed with the chicken drumsticks we prepared. 

Take it to a preheated oven at 180° C (350° F) and bake for 40 minutes. 




Debra Hall 24 days ago

I can't wait to make this


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