Avocado Salad

Start by peeling the cucumber then cut it in half, remove the seeds and chop into thin strips.Cut the onion in half then chop into thin strips. Also cut the lime in half.Transfer the onion strips to a bowl, add the salt, squeeze the lime, mix and let it all soak for 5 minutes.Chop the avocado into thin strips and set aside.Now into a small bowl, add the olive oil, the vinegar and a pinch of salt, mix well.Next, into a bowl, add the avocado strips, the cucumber strips, the parsley, the tuna previously drained and the olive oil-vinegar dressing, mix all the ingredients very well.Serve.

Avocado Salad
Avalie esta receita


  • 1 Large Cucumber
  • 1 Red Onion
  • 1 Lime
  • 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • ½ Avocado
  • 1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon of Vinegar
  • Parsley to Taste
  • 1 Can of Tuna

Modo de Fazer

Start by peeling the cucumber then cut it in half, remove the seeds and chop into thin strips. 

Cut the onion in half then chop into thin strips. Also cut the lime in half. 

Transfer the onion strips to a bowl, add the salt, squeeze the lime, mix and let it all soak for 5 minutes. 

Chop the avocado into thin strips and set aside. 

Now into a small bowl, add the olive oil, the vinegar and a pinch of salt, mix well. 

Next, into a bowl, add the avocado strips, the cucumber strips, the parsley, the tuna previously drained and the olive oil-vinegar dressing, mix all the ingredients very well. 




Arianna 2 months ago

Will try and include this in my weekly diet menu list for sure

Gerard 5 months ago


Thibaud Laguerie a year ago

Perfect salade i put shrimp instead of tuna and ut was delicious! Thanks


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