Mashed Potatoes with Sausages and Eggs

Get the potatoes and make a thin slit around each potato, crosswise, forming a circle.Transfer these potatoes to a saucepan and cover them with water, let them boil over medium heat. Once they’ve cooked through, turn off the heat and drain the water off the potatoes very well, peel them and transfer to a bowl. Add the cornstarch, the unsalted butter, the salt and the black pepper.Now mash them into a consistent mash.After that, transfer half of the mash to a glass baking dish and spread it across the bottom of the baking dish into a smooth flat layer.Then cover the mash with the slices of ham and with the shredded mozzarella cheese. Now pour the remaining mash over the cheese, and evenly spread it.After that, using the handle of a wooden spoon make a line in the center of the mash then make 2 more lines, dividing the mash into 6 equal-pieces.Now, using the bottom of a glass, make holes in the center of each square of potato mash. Set aside.Now get a hot dog sausage, place 2 skewers, one on each side, and using a knife, cut the sausage as if you were going to cut it into round slices. This will prevent you from cutting it all the way throughRepeat this process with all sausages.Put the uncut ends of the sausages together and stick a small toothpick through them to make sure the ends are secure and won’t unravel, forming a circle.After that, place these sausages around each hole we’ve made in the mash.Then put an egg into each hole.Mix the table cream with parsley and add this mixture to the slits we’ve made with the wooden spoon.Finally, sprinkle 100g of shredded mozzarella cheese around the sausages.Take it to a preheated oven at 180°C (356°F) for about 25 minutesServe.

Mashed Potatoes with Sausages and Eggs
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  • 2Kg of Potatoes
  • 4 Tablespoons of Corn Starch
  • 4 Tablespoons of Unsalted Butter
  • 2 Teaspoons of Salt
  • Generous Pinch of Black Pepper
  • 6 Slices of Ham
  • 200g of Mozzarella Cheese
  • 6 Hot Dog Sausages
  • 6 Eggs
  • 100g of Table Cream
  • Parsley to Taste
  • 100g of Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

Modo de Fazer

Get the potatoes and make a thin slit around each potato, crosswise, forming a circle. 

Transfer these potatoes to a saucepan and cover them with water, let them boil over medium heat. Once they’ve cooked through, turn off the heat and drain the water off the potatoes very well, peel them and transfer to a bowl. Add the cornstarch, the unsalted butter, the salt and the black pepper.

Now mash them into a consistent mash. 

After that, transfer half of the mash to a glass baking dish and spread it across the bottom of the baking dish into a smooth flat layer. 

Then cover the mash with the slices of ham and with the shredded mozzarella cheese. Now pour the remaining mash over the cheese, and evenly spread it. 

After that, using the handle of a wooden spoon make a line in the center of the mash then make 2 more lines, dividing the mash into 6 equal-pieces. 

Now, using the bottom of a glass, make holes in the center of each square of potato mash. Set aside. 

Now get a hot dog sausage, place 2 skewers, one on each side, and using a knife, cut the sausage as if you were going to cut it into round slices. This will prevent you from cutting it all the way through 

Repeat this process with all sausages. 

Put the uncut ends of the sausages together and stick a small toothpick through them to make sure the ends are secure and won’t unravel, forming a circle. 

After that, place these sausages around each hole we’ve made in the mash. 

Then put an egg into each hole. 

Mix the table cream with parsley and add this mixture to the slits we’ve made with the wooden spoon. 

Finally, sprinkle 100g of shredded mozzarella cheese around the sausages. 

Take it to a preheated oven at 180°C (356°F) for about 25 minutes





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