Easy and Delicious Dinner

Start by cutting the onion into dices.In a skillet, put some olive oil and add the onion, stir until golden and set aside.Grate the zucchinis and after grated, squeeze out some of the water, put them in a bowl and set aside.Peel the potatoes and grate them, repeat the same process as the zucchini, squeeze out some of the water.In a large bowl, place the ground beef, add the onion, the salt, the black pepper and the saffron, mix very well.Grease a glass baking dish with some olive oil and place half of the grated potatoes, sprinkle 1 teaspoon of salt, add half of the grated zucchinis, then add the meat, spreading it well over the zucchinis.Add the rest of the potatoes and spread the tomato sauce all over them, add the rest of the zucchinis, set aside.Into another bowl, add the eggs and the salt, mix well until combined, add the table cream, mix well again and pour this whole mixture over the zucchinis, spread well.Top it with tomato slices, spread the mozzarella cheese and some oregano to taste.Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C (392°F) for 70 to 90 minutes.Note.: Baking time may vary depending on the power of your oven.Serve.

Easy and Delicious Dinner
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  • ½ Medium Onion
  • 1 Drizzle of Olive Oil or Oil
  • 2 Medium Zucchinis
  • 5 Medium Potatoes
  • 500g of Ground Beef
  • 1 Very Full Teaspoon of Salt
  • 1 Generous Pinch of Black Pepper
  • ½ Teaspoon of Saffron
  • 1 Sachet of Tomato Sauce (340g)
  • 6 Tomato Slices
  • 150g of Mozzarella Cheese
  • Oregano to Taste


  • 4 Eggs
  • 1 Level Teaspoon of Salt
  • 1 Pack (200g) of Table Cream

Modo de Fazer

Start by cutting the onion into dices. 

In a skillet, put some olive oil and add the onion, stir until golden and set aside.

Grate the zucchinis and after grated, squeeze out some of the water, put them in a bowl and set aside.

Peel the potatoes and grate them, repeat the same process as the zucchini, squeeze out some of the water. 

In a large bowl, place the ground beef, add the onion, the salt, the black pepper and the saffron, mix very well.

Grease a glass baking dish with some olive oil and place half of the grated potatoes, sprinkle 1 teaspoon of salt, add half of the grated zucchinis, then add the meat, spreading it well over the zucchinis.

Add the rest of the potatoes and spread the tomato sauce all over them, add the rest of the zucchinis, set aside.

Into another bowl, add the eggs and the salt, mix well until combined, add the table cream, mix well again and pour this whole mixture over the zucchinis, spread well.

Top it with tomato slices, spread the mozzarella cheese and some oregano to taste.

Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C (392°F) for 70 to 90 minutes.

Note.: Baking time may vary depending on the power of your oven.




Anniek de Gier 4 months ago

Hi it sounds delicious but the video doesn't work.


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