2 Ingredient Snack Dough

Into a bowl, add the flour and the table cream, mix until it starts to form a dough, add salt to taste and mix with your hands until it turns into a consistent dough.Knead the dough for 5 minutes on a floured table.Cover the dough with a plastic bag and let it rest for 15 minutes.Stretch the dough with a rolling pin, roll it out until thin.Add any filling of your choice (we used hot dog sausage and mozzarella).Place the mozzarella and the sausage over the dough, cut the dough leaving about 1-finger gap from the filling, roll up the dough always pressing it with your fingers, use a fork to seal the edges.Repeat this process with the rest of the dough.Dip these snacks in the egg, coat in the wheat flour, dip in the egg again, finally coat them in the breadcrumbs for breading.Repeat this process with all the snacks.Fry them in hot oil.

2 Ingredient Snack Dough
Avalie esta receita


  • 250 g of Wheat Flour
  • 1 Pack of Table Cream


  • Hot Dog Sausages to Taste
  • Mozzarella to Taste
  • Any other filling of your choice 

Modo de Fazer

Into a bowl, add the flour and the table cream, mix until it starts to form a dough, add salt to taste and mix with your hands until it turns into a consistent dough.

Knead the dough for 5 minutes on a floured table. 

Cover the dough with a plastic bag and let it rest for 15 minutes.

Stretch the dough with a rolling pin, roll it out until thin. 

Add any filling of your choice (we used hot dog sausage and mozzarella).

Place the mozzarella and the sausage over the dough, cut the dough leaving about 1-finger gap from the filling, roll up the dough always pressing it with your fingers, use a fork to seal the edges.

Repeat this process with the rest of the dough. 

Dip these snacks in the egg, coat in the wheat flour, dip in the egg again, finally coat them in the breadcrumbs for breading. 

Repeat this process with all the snacks. 

Fry them in hot oil.




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