Popcorn Ice Cream

Start by adding popcorn to the blender until full.Add 2 cups of milk at room temperature.Next, add some more popcorn until the blender is full again.Add another cup of milk.Cover the blender and blend everything very well until the popcorn dissolves.Add the butter and keep blending until combined.Transfer everything to a bowl, passing it through a sieve then transfer this mixture to a large skillet over medium to low heat.Add the refined sugar and mix everything until the sugar dissolves.Next, add the powdered milk, mix until combined and transfer the mixture to a large bowl.Add the whipped cream, mix until combined then beat everything using an electric mixer until well-combined again.Transfer to a nice serving dish, take it to the freezer and leave it there until frozen.Now get some sweet biscuits, dip them in coffee, put them in a waffle maker and toast for 3 minutes.After that, place this waffle on top of a glass turned upside down with non-stick paper.In order to shape it into an ice cream basket, let it dry until hardened.Once the ice cream is ready, you can serve it in the waffle basket we prepared.Finish by adding peanut butter to taste.Serve.

Popcorn Ice Cream
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  • 1 Cup of Popcorn Kernels (240ml Cup)
  • 3 Cups of Milk
  • 70g of Unsalted Butter
  • 1 Cup of Refined Sugar
  • 1 Cup of Powdered Milk
  • 200g of Whipped Cream
  • 100g of Sweet Biscuits
  • 50ml of Coffee (To Dip the Biscuits) 
  • Peanut Butter to Taste

Modo de Fazer

Start by adding popcorn to the blender until full. 

Add 2 cups of milk at room temperature. 

Next, add some more popcorn until the blender is full again. 

Add another cup of milk. 

Cover the blender and blend everything very well until the popcorn dissolves. 

Add the butter and keep blending until combined. 

Transfer everything to a bowl, passing it through a sieve then transfer this mixture to a large skillet over medium to low heat. 

Add the refined sugar and mix everything until the sugar dissolves.

Next, add the powdered milk, mix until combined and transfer the mixture to a large bowl. 

Add the whipped cream, mix until combined then beat everything using an electric mixer until well-combined again. 

Transfer to a nice serving dish, take it to the freezer and leave it there until frozen.

Now get some sweet biscuits, dip them in coffee, put them in a waffle maker and toast for 3 minutes. 

After that, place this waffle on top of a glass turned upside down with non-stick paper. 

In order to shape it into an ice cream basket, let it dry until hardened. 

Once the ice cream is ready, you can serve it in the waffle basket we prepared.

Finish by adding peanut butter to taste. 





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