Different Meat and Potatoes Recipe

Start by cutting the meat into small cubes. You can use any cut of meat you like, I'm using lean meat. Set aside.Cut the onion into strips, chop the pitted olives into smaller pieces and finally, cut the peeled potatoes into round slices. Set it all aside.Into a medium baking dish, add a drizzle of olive oil or oil and with a brush, evenly spread it all over the bottom of the dish.Transfer the meat to the baking dish, evenly arrange it. Season with chili flakes, salt and oregano to taste.Add the onion strips all over the meat, also add the olive slices and finally, cover it all with the potato slices.Arrange the potatoes into rows, one next to the other. Season them with salt, black pepper and oregano to taste.Cover the potatoes with the bacon slices.Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and bake in a preheated oven at 200°C (392°F) for 1 hour.After this indicated cooking time, remove the foil and take it back to the oven for another 20 minutes.Serve.

Different Meat and Potatoes Recipe
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  • 700g of Meat
  • 50g to 100g of Smoked Bacon
  • 50g of Pitted Olives
  • 600g of Potatoes, Cut into Round Slices
  • ½ Small Onion Cut Into Strips
  • 1 Generous Pinch of Chilli Flakes
  • Oregano to Taste
  • 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • Black Pepper to Taste
  • Drizzle of Olive Oil or Oil

Modo de Fazer

Start by cutting the meat into small cubes. You can use any cut of meat you like, I'm using lean meat. Set aside. 

Cut the onion into strips, chop the pitted olives into smaller pieces and finally, cut the peeled potatoes into round slices. Set it all aside. 

Into a medium baking dish, add a drizzle of olive oil or oil and with a brush, evenly spread it all over the bottom of the dish. 

Transfer the meat to the baking dish, evenly arrange it. Season with chili flakes, salt and oregano to taste. 

Add the onion strips all over the meat, also add the olive slices and finally, cover it all with the potato slices.Arrange the potatoes into rows, one next to the other. Season them with salt, black pepper and oregano to taste. 

Cover the potatoes with the bacon slices. 

Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and bake in a preheated oven at 200°C (392°F) for 1 hour. 

After this indicated cooking time, remove the foil and take it back to the oven for another 20 minutes. 





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