Cheesecake with Peanuts

Crush the milk biscuits until crumbly, transfer all this biscuit crumble to a bowl and add the melted butter, mix all the ingredients until combined.Transfer all this mixture to a 20cm diameter baking pan with a removable bottom, making sure to press it firmly into the base of the pan with a glass to make it compact.Now, in a bowl, add the cream cheese and beat for 1 minute, set aside.In another bowl, add the heavy cream and the refined sugar, beat well until whipped cream forms.Transfer this whipped cream to the bowl with the beaten cream cheese and mix well.Transfer this mixture to the baking pan filled with the biscuit crumb crust, spread it well and set aside.Now, in a bowl, add the semisweet chocolate and the table cream, microwave for 30 seconds until melted and mix well until a ganache forms.Pour the ganache over the dessert, spread it until flat, and add some crushed peanuts around the top as a garnish.Take it to the fridge and let it chill for at least 3 hours.Unmold and garnish with crushed peanuts around the edges, to taste.Serve.

Cheesecake with Peanuts
Avalie esta receita


  • 250g of Milk or Cornstarch Biscuits 
  • 80g of Melted Unsalted Butter 
  • 400g of Cream Cheese 
  • 450ml of Heavy Cream
  • 50g of Refined Sugar 
  • 100g of Semisweet Chocolate
  • 120g of Table Cream 
  • Crushed Peanuts

Modo de Fazer

Crush the milk biscuits until crumbly, transfer all this biscuit crumble to a bowl and add the melted butter, mix all the ingredients until combined. 

Transfer all this mixture to a 20cm diameter baking pan with a removable bottom, making sure to press it firmly into the base of the pan with a glass to make it compact. 

Now, in a bowl, add the cream cheese and beat for 1 minute, set aside. 

In another bowl, add the heavy cream and the refined sugar, beat well until whipped cream forms. 

Transfer this whipped cream to the bowl with the beaten cream cheese and mix well. 

Transfer this mixture to the baking pan filled with the biscuit crumb crust, spread it well and set aside. 

Now, in a bowl, add the semisweet chocolate and the table cream, microwave for 30 seconds until melted and mix well until a ganache forms. 

Pour the ganache over the dessert, spread it until flat, and add some crushed peanuts around the top as a garnish. 

Take it to the fridge and let it chill for at least 3 hours.

Unmold and garnish with crushed peanuts around the edges, to taste. 





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