Boiled Eggs

Place the eggs in a skillet with enough water to cover them and bring them to a boil. Once it starts to boil, cook for another 12 minutes.Remove the eggshells and cut them in half, set aside.In the skillet, place the butter, turn the heat on low and let the butter melt, place the eggs with the yolks facing down, add chili flakes to taste, dried parsley, oregano, sweet paprika, salt to taste.Top it with some mozzarella cheese, cover the skillet and cook until the cheese melts. Add fresh parsley to taste, to garnish.Serve.

Boiled Eggs
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  • 4 Boiled Eggs
  • 1 Pinch of Salt or to Taste
  • Chili Flakes to Taste
  • Dried Parsley to Taste
  • Oregano to Taste
  • Sweet Paprika to Taste
  • Fresh Parsley to Garnish

Modo de Fazer

Place the eggs in a skillet with enough water to cover them and bring them to a boil. Once it starts to boil, cook for another 12 minutes.

Remove the eggshells and cut them in half, set aside.

In the skillet, place the butter, turn the heat on low and let the butter melt, place the eggs with the yolks facing down, add chili flakes to taste, dried parsley, oregano, sweet paprika, salt to taste.

Top it with some mozzarella cheese, cover the skillet and cook until the cheese melts. Add fresh parsley to taste, to garnish. 




Biankastacy 3 months ago

I really love it soo delicious

Cynthia 5 months ago

This is good 💯😊

Cynthia 5 months ago

l love it


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