Air Fryer Churros

Start by flattening out a slice of bread using a rolling pin.If you don't have a rolling pin, you can use a glass bottle for this step, it will also work out fine.Then, spread dulce de leche all over the surface of the flattened slice of bread.Roll it up gently and set aside.Repeat this process with all the slices of bread.On a large plate, add the refined sugar, the cinnamon powder, mix everything very well until combined and set aside.Now, take the bread rolls we prepared earlier and brush them well with milk at room temperature.Then, coat them in the sugar and cinnamon mixture we prepared.Repeat this process with all the bread rolls.Transfer all these rolls to an Air Fryer basket and arrange them side by side.Next, place the basket in the Air Fryer, set it to 200° C (400° F) and fry for 10 minutes.Serve.

Air Fryer Churros
Avalie esta receita


  • 10 Slices of Sandwich Bread
  • 150g of Dulce de Leche
  • 1 Cup of Refined Sugar (240ml)
  • 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon Powder
  • 1 Cup of Milk (240ml)

Modo de Fazer

Start by flattening out a slice of bread using a rolling pin.

If you don't have a rolling pin, you can use a glass bottle for this step, it will also work out fine. 

Then, spread dulce de leche all over the surface of the flattened slice of bread. 

Roll it up gently and set aside. 

Repeat this process with all the slices of bread.

On a large plate, add the refined sugar, the cinnamon powder, mix everything very well until combined and set aside. 

Now, take the bread rolls we prepared earlier and brush them well with milk at room temperature. 

Then, coat them in the sugar and cinnamon mixture we prepared.

Repeat this process with all the bread rolls.

Transfer all these rolls to an Air Fryer basket and arrange them side by side. 

Next, place the basket in the Air Fryer, set it to 200° C (400° F) and fry for 10 minutes. 





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