Peach Trifle with Sprinkles

Into a saucepan, add the packs of table cream and the pack of condensed milk, turn on the heat and stir until a cream is formed.Transfer to a bowl and cover with plastic wrap making sure it touches the cream and set aside until it cools down.Meanwhile, drain the canned peaches – put all the liquid in a bowl and set aside.Cut the peaches into small dices.Now, using a blender, electric mixer or egg beater, beat the heavy cream until it reaches whipped cream consistency.Transfer all the whipped cream to a bowl, add the cream we’ve prepared, mix until combined.Into a baking dish, add enough cream to cover the bottom then make a layer of ladyfinger biscuits over this cream.Brush some of the liquid drained from the canned peaches on each biscuit.Then fill the gaps left between the biscuits with some of the diced peaches.Add another layer of cream, another layer of biscuits, brush the liquid drained from the canned peaches on each biscuit, and fill the gaps with some more diced peaches.Cover all of it with the rest of the cream.Take to the fridge and let it chill for 2 hours.Finally, garnish with the rest of the peaches and top it all with rainbow chocolate sprinkles to taste.Serve.

Peach Trifle with Sprinkles
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  • 2 Packs of Table Cream (200g)
  • 1 Pack of Condensed Milk (395g)
  • Canned Peaches (800g)
  • 400g of Heavy Cream
  • Ladyfinger Biscuits

Modo de Fazer

Into a saucepan, add the packs of table cream and the pack of condensed milk, turn on the heat and stir until a cream is formed. 

Transfer to a bowl and cover with plastic wrap making sure it touches the cream and set aside until it cools down. 

Meanwhile, drain the canned peaches – put all the liquid in a bowl and set aside. 

Cut the peaches into small dices. 

Now, using a blender, electric mixer or egg beater, beat the heavy cream until it reaches whipped cream consistency.

Transfer all the whipped cream to a bowl, add the cream we’ve prepared, mix until combined. 

Into a baking dish, add enough cream to cover the bottom then make a layer of ladyfinger biscuits over this cream. 

Brush some of the liquid drained from the canned peaches on each biscuit.


Then fill the gaps left between the biscuits with some of the diced peaches. 

Add another layer of cream, another layer of biscuits, brush the liquid drained from the canned peaches on each biscuit, and fill the gaps with some more diced peaches. 

Cover all of it with the rest of the cream.

Take to the fridge and let it chill for 2 hours. 

Finally, garnish with the rest of the peaches and top it all with rainbow chocolate sprinkles to taste. 





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