Lime Jelly Pudding

Into a blender, add the condensed milk, the table cream and the whole milk at room temperature. Dissolve both lime jelly powders in 200ml of water and add it to the blender with the other ingredients. Blend until combined.Grease a ring cake tin with a drizzle of oil and spread evenly. Transfer the mixture from the blender to the cake tin, let it chill in the fridge for 2 to 4 hours.Remove from the fridge and run a knife along the edges and center of the tin to make it easier to unmold.Top the jelly pudding with some lime zest (optional).

Lime Jelly Pudding
Avalie esta receita


  • 1 Can of Condensed Milk
  • 1 Pack of Table Cream
  • 2 Packets of Lime Jelly Powder
  • 400ml of Whole Milk
  • Lime Zest

Modo de Fazer

Into a blender, add the condensed milk, the table cream and the whole milk at room temperature. Dissolve both lime jelly powders in 200ml of water and add it to the blender with the other ingredients. Blend until combined. 

Grease a ring cake tin with a drizzle of oil and spread evenly. Transfer the mixture from the blender to the cake tin, let it chill in the fridge for 2 to 4 hours. 

Remove from the fridge and run a knife along the edges and center of the tin to make it easier to unmold. 

Top the jelly pudding with some lime zest (optional). 




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