Coca Cola Chicken Wings

Start by adding the chicken wings in a medium bowl.Add the baking powder, enough water to cover all the chicken, mix and set aside.In a bowl, add the soy sauce, the honey, the mustard, the ketchup, the salt, one pinch of black pepper and mix until combined.Now, in a large skillet over medium-low heat, add the unsalted butter and stir until fully melted.Add the chicken wings we left soaking and fry them on both sides until golden brown.Season with the salt, one pinch of black pepper, stir until incorporated and fry for another 5 minutes.Next, pour the sauce we made all over the chicken wings and stir.Now, add the Coca-Cola, stir, cover the skillet and let it all cook for another 10 minutes.Serve.

Coca Cola Chicken Wings
Avalie esta receita


  • 1kg of Chicken Wings
  • 1 Tablespoon of Baking Powder


  • 80ml of Soy Sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon of Honey
  • 1 Tablespoon of Mustard
  • 1 Tablespoon of Ketchup
  • 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • 1 Pinch of Black Pepper

Chicken Wings

  • 1 Tablespoon of Unsalted Butter
  • 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • 1 Pinch of Black Pepper
  • 200ml of Coca-Cola

Modo de Fazer

Start by adding the chicken wings in a medium bowl. 

Add the baking powder, enough water to cover all the chicken, mix and set aside. 

In a bowl, add the soy sauce, the honey, the mustard, the ketchup, the salt, one pinch of black pepper and mix until combined. 

Now, in a large skillet over medium-low heat, add the unsalted butter and stir until fully melted.

Add the chicken wings we left soaking and fry them on both sides until golden brown. 

Season with the salt, one pinch of black pepper, stir until incorporated and fry for another 5 minutes.

Next, pour the sauce we made all over the chicken wings and stir.

Now, add the Coca-Cola, stir, cover the skillet and let it all cook for another 10 minutes.




Amooti Eddie 5 days ago

I like the recipe,am trying it at home

Haroun.Ismael 14 days ago

I like the recipe...let me try it at home.


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